forested wetland

Forested Credit

The most effective and simple way to complete mitigation requirements.

Using the Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method (UMAM), you can estimate the number of credits your project needs by looking at the wetland quality. Following the UMAM, 0.3 mitigation credit is required per acre impacted for low quality, 0.5 mitigation credit is required per acre impacted for moderate quality, and 0.7 mitigation credit is required per acre impacted for high quality.

Why purchase credits rather than build your own?

  • Takes 6 to 10 months to permit on-site mitigation
  • About a 3-month process to grade and transfer muck soil, followed by a couple weeks of planting
  • Need 5 to 7 years to reach maturity, and in some systems could take as long as 20 years
  • Land could be used for project expansion rather than on-site mitigation
  • Biggest risk* factor is the length of time required to build and the uncertainty of results
  • In comparison to using the UMAM and purchasing credits, the approximate ratio of on-site mitigation to land impacted is between 10:1 and 20:1 for forested wetlands
  • *Risks include, but are not limited to, wrong design planning, having poor soil for vegetation, and possible invasive vegetation that will require corrective action (ex. re-grading, increased maintenance, re-planting, etc.)